Тег: cancel-culture
Bing is delisting my webstead—a search for Robert Blinov does not index robertblinov.net on Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, and Yahoo
YouTube searchbans esoteric topics and conspiracy facts: videos found on Ecosia just don’t show up
Woke publishers and video platforms are making retroäctive changes to great classics. Fight back by storing valuable content offline
Ye is a laterally-thinking visionary working for the good of mankind, and is worth listening to. I’d love to know him in person
“Sorry, your smart kettle will be switched off because you are a 24-year old male in Russia, and therefore are a potential army recruit
Apple, Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, and Snapchat have banned Trump and his closest allies
Cancel-culture is spreading far and wide. Some people want to forcefully rename a company that uses the word Eskimo because they believe that it is offensive
I have zero posts on Facebook and use it only for work-related purposes. Nevertheless, it believes I broke its сommunity standards
I might get slapped in the face for this. But telling the truth will make the world a better place, which is more important
Deleting dangerous posts? Killing free speech. Not deleting dangerous posts? Blessing the crazy
I despise cancel-culture: responding to every mishap is a path to isolation