Тег: Life
Painful lessons are learnt lessons
When you can, while you can
Mass tolerance towards this kind of “minor” misconduct is the first step to civilisational downfall
The innards of a traffic light button: “Life doesn’t last all life. Life lasts while you’re young”
Listen to your inner voice. It speaks truth
As long as the air is clean, a walk is never a waste
The flow state is magical. Protect it. Ward off distractions
The universe sends us hardships to see how we will reäct to them and whether we will reäct at all. This is not “unfairness”, but a test—a chance to prove ourselves
Only sodomy
The sun is a force for good. It gives Earth life
Carbon is the foundation of all organic matter. A war on carbon is therefore a war on natural life—technosatanists yearn for a world of synthetic L-GPT entities
“As above, so below” is a cosmic law, yet in these examples it is clearly broken. There is literally something wrong with the world we live in
Fault and responsibility are two different things
Am I doing my best? I hope not. I want to have room to improve
Emotions spread like ripples, and sometimes even bring about butterfly effects
We pay attention because it is currency. Allocate it accordingly
Loving one’s enemies does not mean tolerating their actions
Reality is negotiable, and all rules are malleable. Take advantage
“Put your pride on the shelf” is a line in Y. M. C. A. The song was written by a disco group that is literally gay...
The “tripod” peace symbol ☮ is somewhat problematic: it is the circled death rune ᛦ