
Тег: Productivity

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Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

A couple of years ago when I started jogging to eventually be able to run a half marathon, I used to look at my pace as a key metric to measure my progress

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

I am a perfectionist. Someone might say it’s a good trait, but I would disagree

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

Discovering New Music, Gig Pricing, Beatport Improvement Ideas, and My Top Productivity Tip

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

In my younger years, I firmly believed that my achievements were solely the result of my sheer effort and willpower

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

There is a popular technique in the productivity space called time-blocking where you allocate specific blocks of time to accomplish particular tasks throughout your day

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

2023 marks my tenth anniversary of working remotely, a journey that began long before it became a widespread practice

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

In today’s world of quick messages and social media, emails often get overlooked and might seem old-fashioned

Robert’s blog

Ceasing to do something leads to unlearning how it’s done. Keep practicing

Robert’s blog

Trouble is certain otherwise

Robert’s blog

Nighttime rains and trains are friends of productivity, fuldoïng their tasks without forshaping my daytime

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

In the recent episode of The Rework Podcast titled “Your Estimates Suck”, David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried, the co-founders of 37signals, discussed an exciting technique that allows their company

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

How to do things that matter I like productivity apps: to-dos, calendars, notes, timers, and things like that of all kinds

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

Notes from Andrew Huberman’s lecture on dopamine Discussions about health issues, and motivation, in particular, are often neglected in the music industry

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

Since 2017, I have been keeping a family budget: I record and track all income and expenses. Let me tell you how I came to do it, what it does for me and how you can start doing it regularly too

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

And also how to read blogs, media, and social media pages using RSS...

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

Tell me how you organize the process of listening to music: demos coming to the label and just new releases in different genres

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

And where to start, what to write about, and why you shouldn’t blog on social networks

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

The main tool for making progress in personal and work projects

Robert’s blog

I’m happy when others reïfy an idea of mine, since I get more time to work on something else

Daniel Sokolovskiy’s Blog
Daniel Sokolovskiy

How templates can help to deal with routine Please tell us about personal efficiency and how you deal with the routine

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