Тег: typography
Tobacco-free beach: Flightcraft above beach
In Monaco, everything smells amazing: the trees outdoors and perfumes indoors
A number plaque: Spooky typography: Poster against war
Paris has some beautiful plaques
Paris was much cleaner than I foredeemed, both on the week before the Olympics in July, and in early September as well
In July, I participated in a design competition for a logo commemorating the 50th anniversary of anti-communist student Sergio Ramelli’s death
The train I was in had to take a detour because of a fatal accident further down the line
Outside the Ferrari museum: A park: A logo
The innards of a traffic light button: “Life doesn’t last all life. Life lasts while you’re young”
Atkinson Hyperlegible is my default typeface for Latin-alphabet undertakings, including the Nice tramway map and some client work as well
First of all, the euphoric smell is still there. I didn’t find it as common as in 2020 and before, but it does come from the Tube and it also came from a bus
Mountains: Designs with souls: A stage
A heart: The barber: Number plaques
Poggio and Bussana Vecchia are Sanremo’s outlying hamlets
Today I’m releasing the biggest update yet to my Nice tramway map
Just four stills from Mestre. I was changing trains and didn’t have enough time to reach the canals
There’s a music festival in town right now
Merceneros is a coöperative offering technical services to the Monero economy
Familiar typefaces can help read quicker. That’s why I’m trying to reduce the amount of typefaces around me to just a few
A number plaque: The museum I work at: Pretty ornaments