Тег: design
Atkinson Hyperlegible is my default typeface for Latin-alphabet undertakings, including the Nice tramway map and some client work as well
First of all, the euphoric smell is still there. I didn’t find it as common as in 2020 and before, but it does come from the Tube and it also came from a bus
Not only is it unmightly to quickly scan thru their fields, but it’s also unmightly to click them thru without first entering personal data
Mountains: Designs with souls: A stage
Check out our new Metro map for Tashkent, Uzbekistan
The seafront in Nervi: The benches have movable backrests. I haven’t seen this anywhere other than Genoa...
Today I’m releasing the biggest update yet to my Nice tramway map
Screens with menus: The lamps look like big coffee cups—not bad
My poster was present at a pro-freedom demonstration in Sanremo, Italy
For good looks: Male Female Short hair ✅ ❌
ATM card slots are a bad design. But they can be put to good use...
Just four stills from Mestre. I was changing trains and didn’t have enough time to reach the canals
Bad for eyesight and mental health
Check out the case about one of the stages in Chelyabinsk transit reform communication — route changes from January 1, 2022...
Structural simplicity is not necessarily visual simplicity. Modular devices are structurally simple, but often physically bulky
There’s a music festival in town right now
Merceneros is a coöperative offering technical services to the Monero economy
My webstead now has a /design page, which gathers all of my visual works as large images
A number plaque: The museum I work at: Pretty ornaments
Check out my design project from 2019: an online store for ‘Dom Toma’. I had to manage to show both the variety of the collection and the individuality of the items